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We specialise in training self-paced students who seek professionalism and high standards - but require flexibility in their schedule. Our team of instructors are all well qualified and dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.  


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Recreational Pilot Licence

Private Pilot Licence

Commercial Pilot Licence



Pilot Licence



Hours: Unit 41.0 / Progressive 41.0

Aircraft: PA28-181


The recreational pilot licence (RPL) is the step on your way to becoming a pilot. During this course, you will learn how to take-off, land, and handle a small aircraft. This includes basic manoeuvres  such as climbing, descending, turning, and circuit operations. After flying solo in the circuit, you will learn more complex handling in the training area before progressing to your RPL flight test. At the end of this training you will be able to handle the aircraft confidently in basic and complex manoeuvres.



Pilot Licence



Hours: Unit 24.5 / Progressive 65.5

Aircraft: PA28-181


During the private pilot licence (PPL) training, you will learn how to navigate and improve on your handling skills. You will learn how to use dead reckoning for navigation, as well as instruments such as GPS, ADF, and VOR. At the end of this training, you will be able to solo cross-country navigation flights. Combined with the skills you learned in the RPL stage, you will be an accomplished private pilot. Students can choose to study PPL theory at Brisbane Aviators' weekend courses, or self study the content by themselves.



Pilot Licence



Hours: Unit 138.5 / Progressive 204.0

Aircraft: C206

Command Building PA28-181


The commercial pilot licence (CPL) stage provides understanding of how to handle an aircraft like a commercial pilot, thus enhancing the advancement of your aviation career. CPL holders may also be paid to fly. The RPL syllabus is revisited and taught in more detail, and of a higher standard; fine tuning the students handling skills. Navigation is revisited and taught with commercial considerations in mind. By completion, the student will be a more efficient and adaptable pilot.

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